
Creating a new global mechanism for the certification of distributed renewable energy (DRE)

The D-REC Initiative is on a mission to accelerate the energy transition in energy poor countries around the world.

In order to accelerate the transition to universal energy access, we have created a new, internationally recognized market instrument named the D-REC (Distributed Renewable Energy Certificate). By utilizing innovative automation and measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) technology, this instrument will enable distributed renewable energy projects to access global environmental markets for the first time.


RECs are designed to certify renewable energy generation, but are generally only  used in utlity-scale deployments where applicability can vary by country. REcs should be extended to certify distributed renewable energy globally in a scalable manner, and encapsulate the other societal benefits that DRE provides. The D-REC Initiative seeks to introduce a new renewable certificate, the D-REC, that uses corporate renewable procurement mechanisms to catalyze the positive social impacts associated with distributed renewable energy capacity. 


Access to energy

Access to clean, reliable, safe and affordable energy is critical to improving lives of people around the world. Today, an estimated 840 million people still do not have access to affordable electricity.

Distributed Renewable Energy

In emerging markets, distributed renewable energy generates significant value locally (for end users and communities) and globally (through positive climate impacts).

Under investment

The large environmental and social benefits of DRE are not yet being appropriately valued, resulting in under-investment in much-needed new capacity to achieve climate goals.

Climate investment

Leading global corporations are investing in the energy transition and are promising new sources of capital through climate pledges. Many have global footprints that reach into emerging markets via their own operations (Scope 2) or through customers and supply chain (Scope 3).


The D-REC Initiative is designing, delivering and demonstrating a new market instrument – the D-REC – that will accelerate the energy transition in emerging markets and support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) – access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030.